Freitas, Antonio Lucio
Lages Flores, Azores, February 27, 1888.
Date of Death:
October 1, 1918
Hero Bio:
Antonio Lucio Freitas was born in Lages Flores, Azores, February 27, 1888. He came to the United States in the year 1907 and in due time took out his first naturalization papers. On September 23d, 1917, he entered the American Army from Yerington, Lyon County, Nevada, which had long been his home, going to Camp Lewis, Washington, for training. After eight or nine weeks at the camp he went east to Camp Mills, Long Island, where he spent another month. He landed in France on Christmas day, 1917, with Headquarters Company, 161st Infantry, 41st Division. From this depot division he was transferred to Headquarters Company, 16th Infantry of the 1st Division, August 14th, 1918.
The 1st Division was at that time holding a part of the St. Mihiel Sector (August 7th-24th), which was later to be wiped out by American troops. The 1st Division played a most important part in the battle for the sector, and Private Freitas was among those who drove the enemy out of their strongholds on September 12th. Later in the month (September 26th) the great Meuse-Argonne offensive was initiated by the American forces. The 1st Division entered the fight on October 1st, relieving the 35th Division east of Apremont. It was at this place and on the same day that “Tony Freitas of the 16th Infantry was killed in action. He was buried in the American Cemetery at Charpentry just south of where he fell. The three brothers in Yerington, Nevada, survive him besides two sisters in the Azores. His brothers are Constantino, Joe and Fred Freitas. The people of Lyon County especially honor the memory of the boy who offered his services and life to his adopted Country.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Headquarters Company 16th Infantry 1st Division